Brandon Sheffield roams the streets and parties of Tokyo Game Show 2024, interviewing famous developers, spotting soba restaurants affiliated with drift tracks, and espousing the beauty of Neo Geo Pocket sprites.
Journalist, podcaster, and PR person Ed Zitron joins the panel for the reveal of the Video Game History Museum Library, how to tell when a PR person is lying, and a precise rundown of how fucked video games are.
Screenwriter Aaron Stewart-Ahn joins a panel guest hosted by Esper to cover the current definition of “good graphics,” Nicholas Cage’s sublime beauty, and seeing Attack of the Clones on acid.
Frank Cifaldi, Ash Parrish, and Brandon Sheffield assemble to cover the Switch 2, video game console Marxism, and the shocking return of our most controversial segment.
The three finest minds in video games plumb the depths of our listener-submitted Question Hole, dredging up all manner of holiday cheer, the Floridafication of America, and the return of Seaman.
Composer, designer, and puzzler Chris Remo joins the panel to cover how specific instruments evoke moods in games, Mad Libs as branching path narrative, and VR’s Myst problem.
The finest panel in video games covers Sony buying Kadokawa, relitigates what counts as games versus DLC, and brings you the exclusive reveal of the Nintendo Listo.
Author and journalist Kieron Gillen joins the panel to cover the golden age of games journalism, Squaresoft’s 1996 SNES licensed X-Men JRPG, and the mysterious Hat Man.
Your new Insert Credit panel, now including Ash Parrish of The Verge, discusses Dragon Age fanfiction, the best video game music of the last ten years, and a Spice Girls nude code.
Game designer and author Mathew Kumar joins a panel guest hosted by editor Esper Quinn to cover famous famiclones, the latest in Nintendo developments, and Tommy Tallarico’s unexpected ascent into backgammon legend.
Writer and game designer merritt k joins the Insert Credit panel on the most haunted podcast of the year, delving into how one really evokes fear in games, Skibidi Toilet costumes, and vampire streaming services.
Ash Parrish of The Verge returns as host to implement new segments, consider community Halo grievances, and weigh evidence that Frank might have been the first person to ever draw a dick in Pictochat.
Reporter for The Verge Ash Parrish guests hosts our panel as they correctly guess the discourse around Zelda and Dragon Age, briefly review Megalopolis, and develop a free exclusive phrase you can use!
Journalist and author of Play Nice: The Rise, Fall, and Future of Blizzard Entertainment Jason Schreier sits for an interview on Blizzard’s many transformations, diversity scores, and what ultimately happened to Starcraft Ghost and Project Titan.
Video essayist and composer ThorHighHeels joins video game historian Frank Cifaldi to answer questions about the Dreamcast’s legacy, the PS5 Pro, and penis worms.
While our panel is scattered, enjoy a Bonus Credit-style arrangement of good conversation among brilliant friends. Featuring Frank’s SDCC misadventures, Brandon’s X-Men 97 opinions, and Tim’s pitch for the Bioshock movie.
Historian, writer, and narrative designer Holly Nielsen joins Alex and Brandon to cover 19th century party games, Ayn Rand’s The Bachelorette, and David Attenborough narrating Monster Hunter.
Insert Credit reunites to contemplate The Perfect Jump, share earnest pitches for the Bioshock movie, and witness the long-awaited (and possibly last ever) Violence Island Tournament of Champions.
The panel answers listener questions buried deep at the bottom of our Patreon bag of dirt, and in the process concept Brawl Playing Games, remake The Princess Bride, and gain a time bonus!
Insert Credit ranks Street Fighter, Metal Gear Solid, Mega Man, Fallout, Doom, and Disaster Report's mainline games to find the best of each series. Plus, a snake fact!
The New Yorker and The Observer’s Simon Parkin joins the panel to cover a new angle in game genres, the legacy of Segata Sanshiro, and aesthetic crevices. Hosted by Alex Jaffe, with Tim Rogers, Brandon Sheffield, and Simon Parkin. Edited by Esper Quinn, original music by Kurt Feldman.
Supervising Video Producer at Polygon Simone de Rochefort fills in on a star-spangled extravaganza of reward explosions, Turbo Tunnel confinement, and Sonic pogging.
Journalist Ash Parrish of The Verge joins Frank and Jaffe for Nintendo Direct thoughts, Elden Ring as a retelling of Inuyasha, and playersexual companions. Plus, why Marvel vs. Capcom 2 is so important, by Patrick Miller.
Editor Esper Quinn hosts the best panel in video games looking at the legacy of Halo, reactions to Summer Game Fest, and the origins of rude crouching.
Video game historian “Critical Kate” Willaert joins a panel scattered across time to cover lost and ignored media, Blobby’s Bloop Boy, and ladies roaming the street with whips.
Frank Cifaldi, Tim Rogers and Brandon Sheffield cover the best of Sunsoft’s Looney Tunes games, soundtracks for emotions and driving, and 256-bit consoles.
Frank Cifaldi, Tim Rogers and Brandon Sheffield divine the difference between spite and guilt, develop a cool season pass, and steal the International Prototype of the Kilogram.
Our most supportive patrons have filled our dirtbag with questions, and only console modification expert Christa Lee can guide our panel through. Hosted by Christa Lee, with Frank Cifaldi, Tim Rogers, and Brandon Sheffield. Edited by MoxBagel, original music by Kurt Feldman.
Your wise and benevolent Insert Credit panel covers industry shifts caused by Helldivers II, decides the Dreamcast 2 launch lineup, and imagines the gritty Super Monkey Ball: Act Zero.
Liz Ryerson and Ty Underwood return to convey the physicalities and vibes of the GDC 2024 Expo Hall, while Brandon and Frank do their best to push preservation. Plus, Liz gives a definitive answer as to whether you should go to GDC.
Insert Credit reports direct from GDC 2024. Brandon Sheffield asks industry professionals maybe the most important question in the games right now: how do you reclaim your humanity during all this chaos?
When the Insert Credit Panel chose Final Fantasy XVI as their Game of the Year 2023, the game industry couldn’t help but rise up and wholeheartedly, sincerely agree.
The best video game of the year 2023 is decided by VGHF’s Frank Cifaldi, Action Button’s Tim Rogers, Necrosoft’s Brandon Sheffield, and Alienware’s Kris Graft. Plus, the design of the Switch 2 is revealed.
Tim Rogers hosts the Insert Credit panel this week, exploring Hideo Kojima’s recent announcements, the first working game developer to reach 80 years old, and Korean butt animation.
European video game documentarian Kim Justice joins the panel to discuss a broad variety of accents, whether or not Sonic R is a British game, and a revisitation of our Best British Games list. Hosted by Alex Jaffe, with Frank Cifaldi, Tim Rogers, Brandon Sheffield, and Kim Justice. Edited by Esper Quinn, original music by Kurt Feldman.
Your Insert Credit panel returns to cover another death of physical media, Steamboat Willie, and The Minecraft Reality TV Show Criminal Court Case Chronicles.
Happy holidays! Gamespot’s Lucy James drops down the Insert Credit chimney to cover Welsh elves, the first official weed strain for a video game, and Dreiblade.
Brandon Sheffield hits the Tokyo Game Show 2023 floor and interviews Jeremy Blaustein, CEO of Dragonbaby and translator of legendary games like Metal Gear Solid, Suikoden, and Silent Hill 2.
Topher Florence meditates on American Truck Simulator, confronting the friction between realistic advertisments and product placement, a Greatest Hits version of America, and the emotional palette of driving around in someone’s life’s work.
Recorded before The Game Awards, and released the week after! The Insert Credit Panel decides the video game winners of categories unwittingly submitted by listeners.
Brandon Sheffield interviews musician and game designer Masaya Matsuura of the band Psy・S, discussing the early days of computer graphics and sound, making music for anime, and why Vib Ribbon was so hard to get screenshots of.
Frank Cifaldi, Tim Rogers and Brandon Sheffield answer Alex Jaffe’s questions about Nintendo’s last video game ever, committing fraud, and Turds of the Castle.
Brandon Sheffield intereviews musical artist chibi-tech on her career in chiptune, working in Japan, and breaking through the noise in front of an Akihabara busker.
Brandon Sheffield continues answering your questions about Japan, and finishes ranking non-alcoholic beers encountered in convenience stores. Hosted by Brandon Sheffield, introduced by Alex Jaffe. Edited by Esper Quinn, original music by Kurt Feldman.
To kick off a new ongoing Insert Credit series, Brandon Sheffield reports from various locales around Tokyo, answering forum questions and reviewing non-alcoholic beers.
Phil Salvador, library director for the Video Game History Foundation, steps over to the panel for Maxis facts, Five Nights at Freddy’s lore, and pigeon kings.
Frightening Frank Cifaldi, Terrifying Tim Rogers, and Bone-chilling Brandon Sheffield rank every Resident Evil game after facing a gauntlet of qreepy questions by Affable Alex Jaffe.
Frank Cifaldi, Tim Rogers and Brandon Sheffield answer host Alex Jaffe’s questions and uncover the most Insert Credit thing to ever happen, the latest industry megamerger, and a giant cheese wheel.
Brandon reports on foot in Japan, bringing us along to retro game stores, surprise idol concerts, heist stories with chibi-tech and Playstation 2 discoveries with Colin Williamson.
Our editor goofed up! Journalist Shannon Liao joined the panel for episode 306, which covered Unity’s then-unaddressed increase in fees for developers. The question yielded great discussion, but was missed in editing, so it is being presented here now.
8-4 Play (Tina Carter, Mark MacDonald and John Riccardi) serve as your panel with Brandon Sheffield as host, covering a barrage of questions about localization, the global nature of games, and Sans.
Insert Credit Scottish Correspondent Mathew Kumar joins the panel to answer MoxBagel’s questions on Dragon Quest’s art style, mutants without souls, and Zom Brady.
Journalist and Insert Credit favorite Ash Parrish returns to the panel as it covers Starfield’s launch, Soulslike sports games, and the perfect handheld console.
The panel you just can’t get enough of covers immediate pick-up-and-play-right-now games, Charles Marinet’s departure as Mario, and the stunning return of Violence Island.
Insert Credit regular Liz Ryerson joins the panel to cover refreshed questions about the state of game journalism, romhacks, and running studios as co-ops.
Giant Bomb, Gamespot and Friends Per Second’s Lucy James joins the panel to cover video game convention panels, Oppenheimer, and getting Americans to care about 4X games.
The same panel this show started with is whole once more, covering hype cycles, the real game console generations, and the Season 2 finale of Violence Island.
Author and game developer merritt k joins the panel to cover recent industry developments, Gex, and coffin food. Hosted by Alex Jaffe, with Tim Rogers, Brandon Sheffield, and merritt k. Edited by Esper Quinn, original music by Kurt Feldman.
Insert Credit Fighting Game Correspondent Patrick Miller rejoins the panel to share tips on esports commentating, developing fighting game characters, and powerwashing an island covered in diarrhea.
Game journalists Giovanni Colantonio, Gita Jackson and Ash Parrish unite to make Insert Credit history: reviewing a video game. The party explores Final Fantasy XVI as a game, a story, and as a cultural artifact.
While attempting to promote Demonschool in the City of Angels, Brandon Sheffield joins fellow Insert Credit founder Vincent Diamante to drive a 2022 Mazda MX-5 Miata, pontificate on the elusive nature of California, and shop for video games.
Your frothing demand for this podcast increases! Console modification expert Christa Lee joins Tim and Brandon to cover the original Konami defecting rock stars, Treasure Co., Ltd.
IGN news director and Axe of the Blood God creator Kat Bailey joins the panel to discuss Metacritic scores, ranked polls, and what the ESRB actually does all day.
Kinda Funny Games host and producer Blessing Adeoye Jr. joins the panel to cover review scores for video games, Frank’s answer for good adventure game design, and the Capcom Five.
What starts as a lively episode with Polygon editor and podcaster Simone de Rochefort becomes something far more interesting when one panelist’s audio goes missing.
Necrosoft founder Brandon Sheffield sits with Necrosoft programmer Lotte May, Necrosoft producer Son M., and Necrosoft marketing director Jenna Stoeber to mostly talk about romancing Merlin.
Insert Credit reports directly from GDC 2023. Brandon Sheffield relives past GDC memories with new and familiar faces, while Liz Ryerson and Ty Underwood dive into the dark underbelly of Web3 Cryptopits and explore the show floor.
Insert Credit Scottish Correspondent Mathew Kumar sits with the panel just before the March 27, 2023 closing of the Nintendo 3DS eShop to cover the console's legacy, hardware innovations, and games worth playing. Hosted by Alex Jaffe, with Tim Rogers, Brandon Sheffield, and Mathew Kumar. Edited by Esper Quinn, original music by Kurt Feldman.
Guest host and frequent dirtbag Colin AKA MoxBagel keeps the panel in order as they discuss the definition of “visual novel,” fighting games, and, finally, Fortnite.
Brandon Sheffield and Frank Cifaldi report from Las Vegas, where they supposedly attended the 2023 DICE Summit, but mostly ran into used game stores and friends of Insert Credit. Featuring Alex Jaffe, Brandon Sheffield, Frank Cifaldi, Chris Kohler, Ally McLean, Mathew Kumar, and Kris Graft.
Brandon Sheffield and Frank Cifaldi report from Las Vegas, where they supposedly attended the 2023 DICE Summit, but mostly ran into used game stores and friends of Insert Credit. Featuring Alex Jaffe, Brandon Sheffield, Frank Cifaldi, Chris Kohler, Ally McLean, Mathew Kumar, and Kris Graft.
A single episode could never hope to contain all the video games of 2022 played by Tim Rogers and Brandon Sheffield. Get comfortable and sit down for a hang out with some of the rest of last year’s best. Hosted by Tim Rogers and Brandon Sheffield. Edited by Esper Quinn, original music by Kurt Feldman.
Our beloved panel covers big game worlds, big game choices, and big twin Tallaricos. Hosted by Alex Jaffe, with Frank Cifaldi, Tim Rogers, and Brandon Sheffield. Edited by [goop lord](, original music by Kurt Feldman.
Bloomberg Game Journalist and Author Jason Schreier joins the panel to cover Wizards of the Coast, the greatest story in video games, and whether or not buying games is ethical. Hosted by Alex Jaffe, with Frank Cifaldi, Tim Rogers, Brandon Sheffield, and Jason Schreier. Edited by Esper Quinn, original music by Kurt Feldman.
Game Designer and Broadway Producer Cliff "CliffyB" Bleszinski joins a very sensual episode to cover what makes good third person shooters, Avatar 2, and disrespecting Hitman. Hosted by Alex Jaffe, with Frank Cifaldi, Tim Rogers, Brandon Sheffield, and Cliff Bleszinski. Edited by Esper Quinn, original music by Kurt Feldman.
Console modification expert Christa Lee joins Brandon and Tim on the panel to cover raytracing in 4K at 120 fps, the things players care about that developers don’t, and the return of Violence Island. Hosted by Alex Jaffe, with Tim Rogers, Brandon Sheffield, and Christa Lee. Edited by Esper Quinn, original music by Kurt Feldman.
The original panel reunites for Frank Cifaldi’s two point-and-click adventure game recommendations, the best kind of game for Tim Rogers right now, and Brandon Sheffield’s selection as the Whitney Houston of video games. Plus, Bennett Foddy designs a new game for the Steel Battalion controller. Hosted by Alex Jaffe, with Frank Cifaldi, Tim Rogers, and Brandon Sheffield. Edited by Esper Quinn, original music by Kurt Feldman.
A grand cast of holiday favorites are subjected to a gauntlet of questions. Hosted by Alex Jaffe, with Frank Cifaldi, Brandon Sheffield, Ash Parrish, Patrick Miller, Topher Florence, Esper Quinn, Andrés Velasco y Coll, Azurelore Korrigan, Liz Ryerson, K Thor Jensen and Fūnk-é Joseph. Edited by Esper Quinn, original music by Kurt Feldman.
Our standard party of panelists covers the newly announced God of War and Death Stranding adaptations, what they’d teach in game design school, hangout flavors, and Christopher Lambert.
The panel is ill-prepared for these questions, but unites once more to cover The Game Awards 2022, cool ladies, and the greatest game of all time no one is talking about yet. Brandon Sheffield reviews the first four episodes of Bleach and One Piece.
Journalist Gita Jackson joins the full panel to decide how much video games should cost, share research tips, and reveal Barbies in the garbies. Plus, memories of Reiko Kodama.
EVO tournament organizer Andrés Velasco y Coll and PC Gamer editor Fūnk-é Joseph join Frank and Jaffe for the new Sonic game, predatory publisher tactics, and Nickelodeon’s Fortnite.
The full panel reunites to determine what a video game is, how to do RPG dungeon music right, and Bob Oldfather. Hosted by Alex Jaffe, with Frank Cifaldi, Tim Rogers and Brandon Sheffield. Edited by Esper Quinn, original music by Kurt Feldman.