Game Designer and Broadway Producer Cliff “CliffyB” Bleszinski joins a very sensual episode to cover what makes good third person shooters, Avatar 2, and disrespecting Hitman. Hosted by Alex Jaffe, with Frank Cifaldi, Tim Rogers, Brandon Sheffield, and Cliff Bleszinski. Edited by Esper Quinn, original music by Kurt Feldman.
Questions this week:
LIGHTNING ROUND: Name Design – Gears of War Achievements (01:00:53)
Recommendations and Outro (01:07:14)
Discuss this episode in the Insert Credit Forums
Cliff: Neon White, Vampire Survivors, NORCO
Tim: Interview with the Vampire, follow MiSTerAddons on twitter, get a 4K 48-inch OLED computer monitor
Brandon: Hit “publish” on your patches submitted to Nintendo, The Equalizer, please leave a review for Hyper Gunsport on Steam if you’ve purchased it
Frank: Squeeze an airhorn at Frank Cifaldi every time he mentions the MiSTer if you know him in real life
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