our Insert Credit Panel covers how a video game might be political, new games for dead consoles, and the Jaffe Cut of Rocky Horror Picture Show. Hosted by Alex Jaffe, with Frank Cifaldi, Ash Parrish, and Brandon Sheffield. Edited by Esper Quinn, original music by Kurt Feldman.
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1: Are all video games inherently political? (04:58)
2: How do video game trailers lose you? (10:38)
3: Which game console has the best library of games released by third parties after its discontinuation? (15:37)
4: Design a new boot-up screen for the PlayStation 6 (21:00)
5: Captain asks, what makes a video game coin enjoyable to pick up? (27:17)
6: Frank, what can you tell us about the state of game preservation this year? (33:54)
LIGHTNING ROUND: GameFAQ&As - No Man’s Sky (39:25)
Credit Scores (42:51)
Recommendations and Outro (42:55):
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