Screenwriter Aaron Stewart-Ahn joins a panel guest hosted by Esper to cover the current definition of “good graphics,” Nicholas Cage’s sublime beauty, and seeing Attack of the Clones on acid.
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1: Where are your favorite places to hang out in open world video games? (06:20)
2: When is it most obvious that zero research went into a particular video game scene? (15:15)
3: Design a video game where the main hero is played by Nicolas Cage. (20:54)
4: Design a video game where the main villain is played by Nicolas Cage. (25:16)
5: Spencer asks, what are games biggest strengths as a medium? (30:56)
6: What do “good graphics” mean in 2025? (38:11)
7: What is the Decemberists of video games? (44:46)
LIGHTNING ROUND: Name Design – Czech New Wave Classics (49:37)
Credit Report (57:01)
Recommendations and Outro (57:24):
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