The full Insert Credit panel covers what Xboxes are, Fatal Fury movie casting, and dog football. Hosted by Alex Jaffe, with Frank Cifaldi, Ash Parrish, and Brandon Sheffield. Edited by Esper Quinn, original music by Kurt Feldman.
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Credit Report (04:06)
1: Is this podcast an Xbox? (04:48)
2: What is the most fortunate accident in video game history? (10:22)
3: Which video game genre on the whole compares best to its correspondent film genre on the whole? (15:29)
4: What class should be added in the next Dragon Quest 3 remake? (21:09)
Insert Credit Quick Break: The Storied Sword, available digitally and physically (26:57)
5: Pro Skater 4 asks, how would you cast a Fatal Fury movie? (28:36)
6: If you could instantly put any game on every iPhone, what would it be? (35:34)
7: What’s the Air Bud (1997) of video games? (41:02)
LIGHTNING ROUND: Name Design - Bart Vs. The Simpsons (46:23)
Recommendations and Outro (54:09):
This week’s Insert Credit Show is brought to you by The Storied Sword, available digitally and physically, and patrons like you. Thank you.
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