Historian, writer, and narrative designer Holly Nielsen joins Alex and Brandon to cover 19th century party games, Ayn Rand’s The Bachelorette, and David Attenborough narrating Monster Hunter. Hosted by Alex Jaffe, with Brandon Sheffield and Holly Nielsen. Edited by Esper Quinn, original music by Kurt Feldman.
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Question 1: Based on the state of play in the 19th century, which modern video games would past audiences enjoy the most? (03:03)
Question 2: Y’all seen the news lately? (07:20)
Question 3: What were the most successful video games of the 16 and 32 bit eras to come from countries that didn’t dominate the market? (17:30)
Question 4: Adapt Atlas Shrugged into a video game. (21:57)
Brandon’s Snake Break (29:06)
Question 5: Gaagaagiins asks, other than Saturn Bomberman, what are some ways in which multiplayer games keep eliminated players involved? (30:24)
Question 6: What episode would you pitch for that Amazon Secret Level show? (38:39)
Question 7: What is the selecting a thermostat temperature to reflect your priorities in comfort, cost, and environmental impact of video games? (44:58)
LIGHTNING ROUND: Job Interview (50:32)
Recommendations and Outro (57:49):
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