Ep. 91 - Flip the Bard
Ep. 91

Ep. 91 - Flip the Bard

Episode description

Insert Credit Spins those Nordic Tracks.

Questions this week:

  1. Steam Sale 2015
  2. Third Place Game Dev
  3. Death by Impact
  4. Get Hit to Win
  5. Friends Preferences
  6. Most Lost
  7. Custom Soundtrack Far Cry 4 Edition
  8. Assassin’s Creed Series Assassinated

LIGHTNING ROUND: Title Design – Decepticons

Edited by Blaine Brown. Music ‘Tuffy Theme’ from Tuffy the Corgi and the Tower of Bones, ‘Vast Plain Grasslands (Day)’ from Wario Land 3, and ‘8-Bit Chicken Dance’ by Newgrounds User Fineas.