Tim Rogers Hosts The Jerry Bruckheimer Michael Bay Double Funeral.
Questions this week:
Edited by Blaine Brown. Music 'Adventure' by Disasterpeace from Fez PC, 'Base Theme' from Contra NES, 'Ending Theme' from Super C NES, 'Area 3' from Operation C GB, 'Stage 1' from Contra III The Alien Wars SNES, 'Stage 4' from Contra Force NES, 'The Hard Corps Blues' from Contra Hard Corps Genesis, 'Jungle Conflict' from Contra Legacy of War PSX, 'Mission 1' from Contra Adventure, 'Stage 1' from Super Contra X NES (The Unlicensed Game), 'Fortress' from Shin Contra PS2, 'Main Theme' from Neo Contra PS2, 'Stage 1' from Contra 4 NDS, 'Boss 2' from Contra ReBirth Wii, 'Final Boss' from Hard Corps Uprising XBLA and PSN.