Suplexing the Biggest Willy and Getting the Most Dew Done.
Questions this week:
Extoll the virtues of vehicle-based deathmatch multiplayer.
Name a few categories you would add to the Guinness Book of World Records: Gamer's Edition
In Final Fantasy VI, Sabin is famously capable of suplexing a train. Enumerate some of the greatest feats of human strength in game characters.
If not a game developer, what do you suppose Tomonobu Itagaki wanted to be when he grew up?
What would be the best game to set in a 1:1 replica of our solar system?
What is the 7 Year Itch of video games?
Choose 4 video game symbols to appear on your Insert Credit coat of arms.
If there was a King of Video Games, what would their duties be?
According to the Kubler-Ross model, the 5 stages of grief, are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Which games best embody each of them?