All-Star Gita Jackson and World’s Finest Alex Jaffe team up with superstar CRC Payne, author of Batman: Wayne Family Adventures and Harley Quinn in Paradise. Hear how she got the job, what Batman influences were most important in shaping the series, developing ten new characters for Harley Quinn in Paradise, and of course, the return of our What’s The Deal With Mori Calliope? segment.
52 Pickup is an Aftermath production, created by Gita Jackson and Alex Jaffe, and edited by Esper Quinn, with original music by Jon Ehrens. Hosting for 52 Pickup is provided by Insert Credit. If you’d like to follow along, you can check out 52 at your local comic book store or library, or the DC Universe Infinite subscription service. The views and opinions expressed on this show are solely those of the show’s personalities, and do not reflect those of DC Entertainment or Warner Bros. Please rate and review our show wherever you can, and send your questions and comments to 52mailbag@gmail.com. Never stop reading comics.